RadTech and PAMA Support the U.S. Department of Energy Industrial Heat Shot™
Contact: Gary Cohen, 240-497-1242, gary@radtech.org
Ultraviolet Curing included as a “Key Pathway”
RadTech, the Association for UV+EB technologies and PAMA, the Photopolymer Additive Manufacturing Alliance, support the new Department of Energy (DOE) Industrial Heat Shot™ initiative.
As excerpted from a late September 2022 U.S. Department of Energy Release:
“The DOE has launched Industrial Heat Shot™, a new effort aimed at dramatically reducing the cost, energy use, and carbon emissions associated with the heat used in industrial processes. This latest DOE Energy Earthshots Initiative™, seeks to develop cost-competitive solutions for industrial heat with at least 85% lower greenhouse gas emissions by 2035.
The Industrial Heat Shot ™ initiative includes as a “key pathway” to achieve targets: Innovate low- or no-heat process technologies: Develop new chemistry and emerging biotechnology processes to reduce heat demand such as bio-based manufacturing, electrolysis, ultraviolet curing, and advanced separations.
The Industrial Heat Shot™ will support the overarching strategy detailed in DOE’s “Industrial Decarbonization Roadmap.” The Roadmap emphasizes the urgency of deep decarbonization across the industrial sector and presents a staged research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) agenda for industry and government that will deliver the technologies needed to dramatically reduce emissions, increase American manufacturing competitiveness, and create high-quality jobs.
As part of DOE’s commitment to building a decarbonized industrial sector of the future, the U.S. is joining the Industrial Deep Decarbonization Initiative. Coordinated by UNIDO, this Clean Energy Ministerial global coalition is designed to stimulate demand for low-carbon industrial technologies.
The Industrial Heat Shot™ is an all-hands-on-deck effort across DOE to address the critical technical barriers to the development and widespread implementation of the cost-competitive, innovative technologies we need to fully decarbonize our economy and overcome the climate crisis. To learn more, read the Industrial Heat Shot™ fact sheet and visit the Energy Earthshots Initiative homepage.”
RadTech and PAMA jointly plan to establish a Task Force to offer feedback to the DOE on the execution of the Industrial Heat Shot,™ and participate in a DOE webinar that will provide more information on opportunities for collaboration and information-sharing.
RadTech and PAMA members that would like to join our working group should contact gary@radtech.org.